Tuesday, September 4, 2012

George Wilkinson and Albert Davis Sept 18, 2011


The hummer has George Wilkinson's full attention!

George Wilkinson visited the garden and brought his friend, Albert Davis, an experienced photographer.  Albert brought a great camera .....perfect for long distance subjects. Albert never dreamed that he would be so close to the hummingbirds.
Albert Davis, photographer from Jackson, MS, took some amazing pictures while George was feeding the hummingbirds. 

George is from Madison, MS

Hummers begin migrating in July and usually taper off  by October.  The Ruby-throated hummingbird increase their body mass to prepare for the long 500-mile journey (nonstop flight) across the Gulf of Mexico.  A few stragglers will linger so it is important to leave a few feeders through the winter for them.

"Come back to see us next year!"

Albert has some great photographs!

Pictures by Albert Davis

Albert caught the movement of the wing!

Chattyhummer and George Wilkinson

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